NOMER (1977) is a pseudonym of Remon de Jong. I am a visual artist, animator and Dutch oldskool rapper, who started drawing cartoons, moved to graffiti and made series of paintings. In several Dutch cities you can find my sculptures and I have shown my work in musea and galeries.
Lives and works in Broek in Waterland (NL). I was born and raised in Fryslân and I feel deeply connected to other Frisian artists and their works. Since I moved to the Amsterdam region in 2013 my art made a big transition in content and shape.
Education: Willem de Kooning Academie Rotterdam, CIBAP Zwolle.
Selection of exhibitions: Vrije Academie Amsterdam, Fries Museum Leeuwarden, Museum Belvédère Oranjewoud (Museumnacht), Museum Willem van Haren Heerenveen, Galerie De Lawei Drachten, Galerie Bas Sneek, Argument Vertoningsruimte Tilburg, Kunsthuis LOOF Jubbega, Exporuimte Oosterpoort Groningen, Infirmerie CBK Leeuwarden.
“I started making artworks in 1995. Murals, paintings, instalations and public sculptures. Later I discovered video and created preformances and animations. My life in art has always been about experimenting and trying new artforms. I have a background in the hip hop culture, which has a strong DIY and sampling energy. This, and my love for intriguing wall objects, led me to develop the abstract Rembrandt series. My most personal work to date. I see myself as an artist in the Frisian tradition, which is about stillness, the landscape and space. I mixed that with graffiti, coding and other digital techniques”

Shot by Tessa Posthuma de Boer
Check out this interview (in Dutch) about my work as an artist:
My research explores the meaning and importance of the brushstroke in 17th-century art and how it connects to abstraction in the 21st century. I focus on artists like Rembrandt and Frans Hals, isolating and digitizing their brushstrokes to create new digital abstract artworks. These digital pieces are printed as fine art and enhanced with traditional materials and varnishes, then framed in antique frames for a cohesive look.
By removing the brushstroke from its original context and placing it in a new story, I create a fresh perspective while preserving the essence of the original artist. My goal is to capture the “soul” of these masters. For example, what does an abstract Rembrandt mean, and how is an abstract Frans Hals unique compared to other old masters?
This research looks at old masters in the broadest sense. By continually reworking brushstrokes from different artists, I imagine how abstract art might have looked in the 17th century. This creates a conversation between past and present, blending historical art with a reimagined abstract reality.
Below you find a short animation about a part of the creation process ; capturing the brushstrokes.

Born in Heerenveen
As a kid I was always drawing and doing creative things. As a teenager I got into graffiti and discovered hip hop music.

Cibap Zwolle
My dreamschool back then. Learning about design, advertising, window dressing and exhibition stand design. A very creative school in wich I had a great time. I graduated as a designer.

became mc remon
Started rapping in Dutch and Frisian in a group called 8MM. Later I joined De Onderhonden and did a lot of solo projects. And don't forget Zwart op Wit, a hiphopfunkrock band from Fryslân.

Start of my professional career
This was the year I started to earn money with my creativity. Selling my art, doing comissioned work and making music.

Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam
In the 2 years I attended the art academy I also was a member of a very popular hip hop group called De Onderhonden, with a lot of shows every week. So I couldn't make the most out of my study.

Working at BrainWorks Sneek
Working at a graphic design studio was a life long dream which came true in Sneek. A small agency, so I was part of a lot of processes and I learned a lot.

Started freelancing
Doing art, design, murals, paintings, music, performances and a lot of other creative stuff. I became an allround creative and made a living out of it.

Omrop Fryslân
Started working for Omrop Fryslân TV, the big Frisian broadcaster. In a weekly talkshow called Faktor Freed I did freestyle raps about the guests and drew a funny cartoon to summarize the show. For 5 years I was on tv every week.

National TV
For national broadcasters like MTV, The Box, SBS6, Veronica, VPRO and VARA I created a lot of tv items and worked as a reporter.

Became a father
In 2009 our son was born and three years later we've got a baby girl. Life changing events.

Daily poet, Dit is de dag, EO Radio1
On Radio1, the national radio, I wrote a poem during the radioshow about the guests and the discussion. The show was called 'Dit is de dag' and is still on air today, without the poems tho.

Public artwork ‘Midden’ in Heerenveen
After years of working on the design, the construction and municipal permits we could finally reveal the sculpture 'Midden'. Placed on a roundabout in the middle of Heerenveen and marking the neighbourhood Midden. This was the first of several public artworks I did over the years.

First big solo show in a museum
In the Fries Museum in Leeuwarden I created a solo show about privacy called Skyn & Skaad (Frisian for shine & shadow).

MUSE tv for Omrop Fryslân
In the Fries Museum in Leeuwarden Omrop Fryslân recorded a tv show about art called 'Muse'. I was one of the jury members and did some coaching as well. Other members were Saskia Bak and Steven Sterk. It was a lot of fun to be a part of this big production.

Started my animation studio
To combine my drawing and designskills with my video and audio experience and my love for story telling I started making animated content. I founded my animation studio 'Animatie.Online' and worked for a lot of great clients.

Created a hip hop coloring book
To teach children about the history of Dutch hip hop I created 'Het Grote Nederlandse Hip Hop Kleurboek'. A coloring book filled with drawings and info about Dutch artists of the past and the present.

New abstract art
My love for brushstrokes and Rembrandt resulted in new artworks in which I remix 17th century brushstrokes into abstract artworks. I use digital techniques in combination with very old materials to create 17th century abstraction in the present.

First solo show in Amsterdam
In 'Huis Vasari' in Amsterdam I showed my new artworks for the first time to the public. The show was special to me and the response was very positive. Including great press coverage on radio, tv and newspapers.

Art, animation and new chalenges
At the moment I am working on new artworks and comissioned work for clients. I am always open for new oportunities.